The broader NSE index added 0.17 per cent to 6,504.20 points, off an all-time high of 6,562.85 hit on March 11. The benchmark 10-year bond yield rose 5 basis points to end at 8.79 per cent.
Market Closed - 17th March'2014 - Holi
The markets are closed on Monday for a public holiday. Trading will resume on Tuesday. The benchmark BSE index rose 0.16 per cent, or 35.19 points, to end at 21,809.80 points on Friday, not far from a record high of 22,023.98 points hit on March 10.The broader NSE index added 0.17 per cent to 6,504.20 points, off an all-time high of 6,562.85 hit on March 11. The benchmark 10-year bond yield rose 5 basis points to end at 8.79 per cent.